Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Just think, Since you are wake up from sleep.

By Harun Yahya

There are no special conditions required for someone to start thinking. Even for people who just wake up from sleeping in the morning, there are also many things that can be encouraged to think.
Spread out a day long before someone who just got up from his sleep in the morning. A day in which drowsiness or feeling tired as if has disappeared. He was ready to start the day. When will start thinking, he remember a word of God:
"And He it is Who maketh night a covering for you, and sleep repose, and maketh day a resurrection." (QS. 25: 47)
After a bath or wash the face, he/she felt really awake and be in full awareness. Now he is ready to think about various issues that are useful for him/her. Many other things more important to do than just thinking about what food they have for breakfast or what time he must depart from home. And its the first time he had to think about more important things.
First, how he was able to wake up in the morning is a extraordinary miracle. In spite of the awareness at during sleep, but the next day he returned again to the awareness and personality. His/her Heart is beat, he/she can breathe, speak and see. In fact, when he/she went to bed, there is no guarantee that all of this will go back to normal in the morning. He also did not experience anything that night. For example, the omission of their neighbors who live in the home can cause gas leaks that can explode and waked him/her up in that night. A natural disaster that can be happen anytime and take everyone soul in areas where he/her living.
Or maybe he have a problem with his physical body. For example, he could wake up with extremes pain on the head or kidneys. However, none of these things are going to happen when he wake up. Thinking of that encouraged him to thank to God for love and care given by Him.
Starting the day with a new prime health that has meaning that God gives someone an opportunity that he can use to get a better fortune in the Hereafter. Remember all this, then the most appropriate attitude is to spend time on that day in the way with bless of God.
Before do anything else, firstly, someone should plan the and thinking about things like this. The starting point in getting bless of God is by asking to God in order to makes easy all of the problems. Prayer of the Prophet Solomon is good example for faithful man: 'My Lord, arouse me to be thankful for Thy favor wherewith Thou hast favored me and my parents, and to do good that shall be pleasing unto Thee, and include me in (the number of) Thy righteous staves."(QS. 27: 19)
How someone weaknesses encourage people to think? The human body is so weak when just wake up from sleep may encourage people to think: every morning he must wash his face and scrub the teeth. Realize this, he also ponder about the other weakness. The imperative of bath every day, the appearance will be seen unnerve if his body does not clean and covered by cloth, and his incapacitation to hold the drowsiness, hunger, and thirst. all of this is the evidence of weakness on himself.
"Allah is He Who shaped you out of weakness, then appointed after weakness strength, then, after strength, appointed weakness and gray hair. He createth what He will. He is the Knower, the Almighty. " (QS. 30: 54)
For whose that have been elderly, the shadow of himself in the mirror can bring various think in his mind. When the age reach two decades from the period of his life, the signs of aging process has been seen in his face. At the age of thirtieth, goffering of skin appear at the down lid and around the mouth, the skin no longer flawless as before, the physical form changes has seen in the of most of the body. When entering the twilight of the age, hair and hands turn into fragile.
For whos think about it, the twilight age is the most significant events which indicates the mortal life and prevent it from love and greed for world. People who enter old age understand that the time have been close to death. Their body turn into aging process and turn into process of leaving this world. Their body, little by little began to wane in spite of no changes in their spirits. Most people are feel mesmerized by smartness or feel low by the deterioration due to their face during their young.
In general, men whose have a kind of handsome face or beautiful teeth have a certain arrogant attitude. Rather than in the past, a stodgy face does feel low and not happy. Aging process is real evidence that shows the temporary of beauty or deterioration of someone. So it can receive and make sense if the value that would be appreciated by God is moral "AKHLAK".
Every time when all human face their weakness, they would think that the only Most Perfect substance, Most Great, and far from all imperfection is Allah, and he glamorized the Greatness of God. God created every human weakness with a purpose or meaning. Included the purpose for people do not love this world life, and not split out with everything they had in life. Someone who is able to understand these things, would crave that God will created himself free from all weakness in the Hereafter.
All human weaknesses remind one interesting thing to mused: roses that appear and grow from the black soil has a fragrant smells. Instead, the stinky smells came from person who does not treat their body. Especially for those arrogant and self-glory, this is something they should consider and take lessons from it.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Think deeply

By Harun Yahya

Many People thought that to "think deeply", someone needs to hold their head with both hands, and sit alone in a quiet room, and away from the crowd. Indeed, they have a hunch that "think deeply" as something burdensome and distressing. They are concluded that this job is just for "philosophers".
In fact, God requires that people to think deeply or brood. He said:

"This is a Scripture that We have revealed unto thee, full of blessings, that they may ponder its revelations, and that men of understanding may reflect" (QS. 38: 29).

Which emphasized here is that every person should try to outright vengeance in improving the skills and depth of thinking.
Conversely, those who did not want to try to think in depth will continue to live in a big negligence. The word negligence means
"passivity (but not forget), left, in confusion, do not bother, in carelessness." Failing that human thinking is not due to forget or deliberately do not hedge their goal the creation of self-righteousness and religious teachings. This is a way of life which is very dangerous that someone can bring to the Fire. With regard to this, Allah warns people not to include in the people that neglect:

"And do thou (O Muhammad) remember thy, Lord within thyself humbly and with awe, below thy breath, at morn and evening, and be thou not of the neglectful." (QS. 7: 205)

"And warn them of the day of anguish when the case hath been decided. Now they are in a state of carelessness. And in they believe not." (QS. 19: 39)

In Al-Qur'an, Allah says about those who are thinking consciously, and then think in the end, to the truth that makes them fear Allah. Instead, God also states that those who follow their predecessors in their blind without thinking, or simply follow the existing practice, is in error. When asked, the imitator would not think that will be said that they are the people who run religion and faith in God. But because they do not think, they just do worship and activities of life without the fear of God. Mentality in this group, as described in Al-Qur'an:

Say: Unto whom (belongeht) the earth and whosoever is therein, if ye have knowledge? "
They will say: "Unto Allah." Say: "Will ye not then remember?"
Say: "Who is the owner of the seven heavens and the owner of the Tremendous Throne?"
They will say: "Unto Allah (all that belongeth)." Say: "Will ye not then keep duty (unto Him)?"
Say: "in Whose hand is the dominion aver all things he protecteth, while against him there is no protection, if ye have knowledge?"
They will say: "Unto Allah (all belongeth)." Say: "How then are ye bewitched?"
"Nay, but we have brought them the Truth, and lo! they are liars." (QS. 23: 84-90)

Thinking can be freed someone from the shackle of a magic
In the above verse, Allah said to the man, "... from the road where you gullible (bewitched)? Bewitched words here have any meaning or mental disability of the human intellect as a whole. Intellect which is not used to think that means that the intellect was paralyzed, the vision became blurred, behave as someone who does not see the reality in front of the eyes, which is owned facilities to distinguish the true from the false to be weak. He was not able to understand a simple truth even its just little. He cannot be raised to understand the extraordinary events that occurred in the surrounding areas. He was not able to see parts of the complex of events. What is the causes of people drowned in the overall life of neglect during which thousands of years and dissociate themselves from thinking so that seems to have become a tradition is preposterous this paralysis.
The influence of magic that have collectively meaning can be illustrated as follows:
Under the surface of the earth, there is a boiling layer, called magma, but actually, the earth crust is very thin. The Thick of earth layer crust than the entire earth is as thick skin of apples compared to apple it itself. This means is the magma that coal is so close to us, under our foot!
Everyone knows that under the surface of the earth there is a layer with a very hot boiling temperature, but people do not really thinking of it. This is because parents, relatives, colleagues, friends, neighbors, author articles in the newspapers they read, the event-producer of TV shows and their professors at the university also does not really thinking of it.
Allow us to invite you to think briefly about this problem. Assume someone who has lost memories try to remember each person in the surrounding areas by asking everyone. Firstly, he asks where he is now. What will appear in his mind when notified that the place he stood, there is boiling balls of fire that can jump and shoot out from the earth surface at the time when the earthquake occurred or the great mountain explode? Let's talk more about it and that men have been told about the earth where he stood is just a small planet that float in the very large space, dark and empty called space. This space has the potential danger and more danger than material in the earth, for example: a lot of tons weight meteors moving freely with the inside. And might be these meteors are moving towards the earth and then hit the earth.
It is impossible for this person is not able to think even just a little while he is in place that full of dangers and threaten his soul any time. He will also think how people can live in a planet which is always located at the end of the horn, very fragile and dangerous for his soul. He then realized that this only occurred because of a system that perfectly flawless iota. In spite of the earth, where he lived, has a danger of jumbo, but on balance there is a system that is capable of very accurate in order to prevent the danger does not befall mankind. Someone who realizes this, understand that the earth and all beings on it can perpetuate the life of the survivors only with the will of God, caused by the existence of a perfect balance of nature and without disabilities who created by Him.
The example above is just one among millions, or even trillion examples that should mused by human. Below is one example that might help in understanding how "neglect situation" can affect the thinking of people and crippling the ability understand.
Human knows that life in the world go and ended very quickly. Strangely, they still behave as though as they never leave this world. They do their works as the world would never death. Truly, this is a form of magic or mantra legacy, from generation to generation. This is such a magnitude so when there is someone talk about death, people immediately stop the topic for fear of losing the magic which for so long time shackle them and not dare to face the facts. People spend their entire lifetime to buy a good house, summer lodging, car, and then send their children to good schools, do not want to think that on a day they will die and will not be able to bring a car, home, or child along with them. As a result, rather than think something intrinsic to the life after death, they choose not to think about death.
However, sooner or later every man will meet one's fate. After that, believe it or not, each person will start a life everlasting. Is the eternal life spending in paradise or in hell, depending on the act of charity during the short lifetime in the world. Since this is a truth and will happen, then the only reasons why people behave as the death does not appear is the magic that has been close or shackle them. This is because they are not using their mind to think and muse.
Those who cannot free themselves from the magic by thinking, which resulted in their omission, will see the truth with the eyes of their own after they die, as God made us in Al-Qur'an:

"(And Unto the evil doer it is said): Thou waste in heedlessness of this. Now we have removed from thee thy covering and piercing is thy sight this day." (QS. 50: 22)

In the above verse, somebody sight becomes blurred due to someone does not want to think, but it will be sharp after he raised from the grave and account for all of deeds in the Hereafter.
For remember, someone may just let himself to be handcuffed by the magic. They thought, by doing this, they will be living with peaceful. Fortunately, It was very easy for someone to change the conditions and destroy mental disability, or understand, so that he can live in the awareness to know the reality. God has provided a way out people; people who think and think will be able to liberate themselves from the shackle of magic at the time they were still in the world. Next, he will understand the purpose and the true meaning of all the events. He will be able to understand the wisdom of God to create anything at any time.

Everybody can think whenever and wherever
Think not require the time, place or special conditions. One can think while walking in the road, when going to the office, driving cars, working in front of a computer, attend meetings with colleagues, or see the TV while eating lunch.
God has created trillion men for thousands of years; everything is different with each other. This is the real evidence about the Almighty of God.
Watching people who are rushing toward their each goal can bring a variety of thoughts in mind of someone. When you the first look, appear in their mind: Amount of human consists of individuals who typically and unique. Each individual has the world, desires, plans, ways of life, things that make them happy or sad, and their own feeling. Generally, every human was born, growth, and adults, get education, find employment, work, marry, have children, and send them to school and wedding, become old, a grandmother or grandfather, and eventually died. From this perspective, the way of all human life is not much different, not too important if they live in villages, in the city of Istanbul, or in big cities such as Mexico, there is no iota of difference. All the people at the time will dead, a hundred years later may not be one of those people who still live. Recognizing this fact, someone will think and ask themselves: "If we all will die one day, and whatever the cause the people behave as if they will never leave this world? Someone who will die rightly do charitable seriously for life after death, but why almost all people behave as though they live in the world will never end? "
The people whose thinking like this is called a person who think and reach meaningful conclusions from what he thinks.
Most people do not think about death and what happens afterwards. When suddenly asked, "What are you think about at this time?", It will be seen that they are thinking about everything that actually does not necessary, so that will not bring benefits for them. However, one can also "think" things "meaningful", "full of wisdom" and "important" at any time since they are return to sleep and up to bed, and take lessons or conclusions from what they are thinking.
In Al-Qur'an, Allah states that faithful man, think and ponder in depth in all events they have and take a useful lesson from what they're thinking.

"Lo! In the creation of the heaven and the earth and (in) the difference of night and day are tokens (of His Sovereignty) for men of understanding. Such as remember Allah, standing, sitting, and reclining, and consider the creation of the heaven and the earth, (and say): "Our Lord, Thou createdst not this in vain, Glory be to Thee! Preserve us from the doom of fire." (QS. 3: 190-191).

The verse above states that the faithful man is a think full man, and then they are can see the marvelous things in the creation of God and glamorize His Mighty, Science, and Wisdom.
Thinking with all heart and soul and set themselves to God
For Contemplation, in order to produce a benefit and bring the correct conclusion, then someone must think positive. For example: if someone sees someone else with better physical than himself. He felt low because of the lack of physical if he compared himself with the people who appear shapelier. Or he feels jealous for these people. This thought does not want of God. If we are looking for Allah's bless, then we should take that the shapely form as the form of the perfect God's creation. By see the shapely and beauty of the other people as a beauty of God's creation will give us satisfaction. He prayed to God so that the beauty of people in the Hereafter. And for himself, he also asks to God to give him the intrinsic and eternal beauty in the Hereafter. Similar things are often experienced with a man who is being tested by God to show the thought patterns and behaviors that have God's bless or not.
The success in these tests, i.e., in the contemplation or thought process that will bring happiness in the Hereafter, is still determined by eager desire in taking lessons or warnings of what he mused. Therefore, it is emphasized here that someone should think outright while face his/her self to God. Allah said in Al-Qur'an:

"He it is who showeth you his portents, and sendenth down for you provision from the sky. None payeth heed save him who turneth (unto him) repentant." (QS. 40: 13).

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Electric Guitar Learning - How Should I Start to Learn?

If you want to have electric guitar learning, you may have to start from the basics first. Electric guitar is just a guitar which includes some electrical parts. They are the parts that help making sound louder. Sometimes, the guitarist uses some additional tool to make weird sound. If you want to learn this type of guitar, you may have to know the nature of the guitar first.

The sound of guitar is made from the vibration of their strings. In case of acoustic guitar, the vibration makes from the hole located at the center of body. As for electric one, there will be receiver at almost the end of the strings. The receiver will transmit the signal to the amplifier. That is how you hear the noise from the speakers.

There are many types of electric guitars. You can choose to play chord guitar, lead guitar or bass guitar. Each of which has its particular features. Electric guitar learning can be classified by the type of guitar you want to focus on. It is your choice to decide which one you want to learn. However, you can select to learn playing the type of guitar that you like later. In the beginning, you should focus on the basic of guitar.

What are the basics of playing guitar? The basics include how to handle to guitar, how to set up the strings, how to carry it, how to play the notes, how to strum the guitar etc. You can choose to learn this stuff before you totally move to learn the deeper knowledge of playing electric instrument.

Whether you are going to start playing guitar with electric guitar learning is your choice. Personally, I would advise you to learn acoustic guitar until you are good at it. Then you will play electric one easily.

If you decide to learn acoustic guitar first, you can check out this online course.

Friday, July 24, 2009

How to learn a million English words

Language-English you are learning are always growing (Paul J.J. Payack), Not like French, "English has the tradition of swallowing new words whole," he said.

TV and some e-books, thinking in that way they can know every word after days of hard-work. However, many college English majors tell me they feel just disheartened in memorizing so many words. After years of accumulating thousands of words, they still meet a great many new words.

Actually, not every English-speaking person knows all words in the English vocabulary. An average educated person knows about 20,000 words and uses about 2,000 words in a week. Just do your best!

Here are some personal tips for reference:

1. Find a way to the language.

2. Try to learn more about the country and their people but not only focus on the grammar.

3. Create an environment for yourself.

Striving for excellence

“Try not to be a man of success, but rather to be a man of value. Schools tries to instill among the students a sense of success. In other words, the quest for success is more important than the success itself. Our urge to success makes us more competitive and capable.” Albert Einstein.

Learning a foreign language helps us getting an edge over our competitors. It will land us in getting some plump jobs in the international arena.

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing.” Abraham Lincoln.

Relevance of the Study of Interlanguage to Teaching Efl at the Tertiary Level

A second/foreign language learner takes a linguistic journey from his/her mother tongue to the target language and naturally constructs a personal linguistic system in the interim time. This individual system is termed ‘interlanguage’ (Selinker 1969, 1972), ‘approximative system’ (Nemser 1971), ‘transitional competence’ (Corder 1967), or ‘idiosyncratic dialect’ (Corder 1973). In a narrower sense, interlanguage refers to the intermediate status of the second/foreign language learner’s system between his/her mother tongue and the target language. In a broader sense, it stands for the second/foreign language learner’s present knowledge of the language he/she is learning (Spolsky 1989). In a general sense, interlanguage is defined as ‘the interim grammars constructed by the second-language learners on their way to the target language’ (McLaughlin 1987:60).

Conference Bags Can Be Pre-Stuffed

If you have a booth at a conference then you will notice how people are walking around with a pile of stuff. So, you can be the event champ by giving out handy bags, with your company logo, for people to put all their treasures in.

You could end up with a longer lasting, better bag that will no doubt get used again. You still can keep a nice size space for your logo, maybe even an entire side for yourself and sell of space on the other side.

A conference bag would be super nice it it came with surprises already inside. A helpful sponsor could map out the layout of the event area so everyone could find the powder room and beverage stands. A local guide is a good idea if the event will last for a few days. A schedule of events is good for everyone to have as well.

The conference bag can make or break an event. A crummy bag that won't last the day will not encourage people to spend a leisurely day. A great bag will help people hold things and will make them more at ease. Something that is easy and comfy to carry and hold is what you need. Those bags will get looked at all day, on the flight home, and then in the neighborhood.

Business Survival With Cheap Notepad Printing

Notepads offer a considerable advantage over other promotional materials since they can also be useful for company operations as well. Add to this the various cheap notepad printing services out there and you have a useful and promotional tool that can help your work that you should hold on to, to help you survive in these trying times.

Inexpensive and easy to print: There are a lot of places for cheap notepad printing. Notepads are pretty inexpensive to print and the designs are easy enough to compose. Most notepads can be printed in normal and inexpensive paper without suffering from any loses in your corporate image. Also, with a lot of online notepad printing services out there, most of them offer competitive prices, which keep most printing quotations down to a manageable level.

In terms of design, notepads really just need letterheads and watermarks. Almost anyone can do a design for these color notepads, and all that it requires is some rudimentary understanding of common software applications.

Besides being easy to design and print, notepads offer companies the ability to advertise or market their corporate image. By giving away small notepads to customers you are virtually distributing a marketing tool with your corporate message inside it. People can use your notepads for their own personal activities. They can read about your services and your contact number as they write on your notepad.

The strategy is simple. Basically, think of your notepad as a business card, flier and brochure all rolled into one cheap package.

Finally, to state the obvious, corporate notepads can be of great use to your staff as office material. They can write reminders in your color notepad, or they can even print official notices and documents with them. The logo and name of your company should make those printed materials look better and more official looking gaining you a better image internally with your staff. It gives your company a certain dignity even though you might be in dire straits right now.

So, if you combine a notepad’s usefulness, with its marketing potential, you basically have a two in one deal when you invest in notepad printing. You get the useful factor of pad printing for notes and documents, while still being able to promote your company with the same printed material. It is a nice setup that can help you survive in business until the recovery. So consider printing notepads now. You will not regret it.

Why Do You Need The Benefits?

Do you know why some marketing campaigns click and some don’t? Why do many promotional giveaways and collaterals such as notepad printing or simply notepads fail to be effective while others seem to keep generating new leads by the minute?

The answer is in the benefits. What do you offer your clients and prospects? What can they get from your products and services? These questions have one bottom line - what’s in it for them?

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A Necessity to a Happy Home Life

A Necessity to a Happy Home Life, a must for every home for health hygiene. Upholstered furniture such as chairs, sofa beds, sala sets, and ottomans are everywhere in a home. It cannot be avoided that they accumulate dust, get soiled, and become stained. Dining table chairs are very susceptible to stains and getting soiled because of food and beverage spillages that take place during dinners. Sala sets and ottomans most of the time get soiled because children are so fond of jumping on them and adults sometimes absent-mindedly place and curl their legs on them without removing their shoes. Either when used or not, they are all bound to accumulate dust because it is in the air. Upholstery cleaning must be done at least every week to create a happy home life.

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The Finest Assortments of Holiday Gift Baskets

Best thing about holiday gift baskets is that it can fit into any budget from the highest to the lowest. If you are pursuing your university course, short of money and still nurture strong desire to who that special girl with vengeance. No problem buy a bunch of beautiful roses, some chocolates, a greeting card and a bottle of deodorant/perfume. But if you have landed up a highly lucrative offer from one of those blue chip companies and receiving a hefty pay check then sky is the limit. Apart from frisking her in you new sleek convertible sports car to a flashy restaurant, you can go out of your way to spoil her by putting an extensive assortment in your gift basket, bottle of sparkling champagne, best of chocolates, some mushy romantic novels ,you can run your imagination wild.

How to Earn an Online MBA Successfully

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a professional program that provides training in the theory and practice of business management. An MBA is generally a career accelerator across a number of industries and its graduates can usually command high salaries. Currently, the number of applicants who opt for online MBA keeps increasing as this program is more flexible, cost saving and convenient. Here are some simple steps that help you to earn the online qualification successfully.

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Laptop concepts for mobile activity

Now days, laptop computer sales increase through marketing. This increase still continued until today. The function of this goods are not only for surfing on internet, but computing, music, design and e book.

When you read this, most people in the world like to use laptop. They pride about their stuff, but its just tool, nothing more.

Most of us probably forget the important thing, that is the computer it self. In old days people still use desktop pc. But this computer is the main part and couldn't be replaced with laptop. For examples, how can we use internet service, if we don't have computer desktop for server or gateway.

And once again.... laptop just for adding tool or mobile tools